Our thanks must go to the leading lights in corporate reputation management who kindly gave their time to speak at the Bridgewater Hall in Manchester at the CIPR NW Reputation Management Conference. Dr Kevin Money of Henley Business School, Gideon Benaim of Schillings, Russ Brady and Dave Smith from the Co-operative Group, Cheryl Sloane of the Fairtrade Foundation, Alex Aiken of Westminster City Council and of course Stephen Pain were just a few who gave their time to address public relations practioners from the leading organisations in the North West. The conference allowed precious time for all to reflect on the issues, theory and practices facing modern corporate organisations as they learn to enhance the asset that is their reputation. Being dedicated to corporate reputation management and to the North West, the r consultancy was proud to open the conference and to set the context for the day. There remains immense value in bringing events of such national quality to Manchester and to the vibrant North West. It certainly left us feeling inspired once again by those who share our passion and who hold such knowledge in this area. We remain humbled at their generosity and kindness in sharing their time in order to spread the word.
Schillings!! are you mad?!